Home Remedies for your beauty

By Tafiola

Tired from spending so much money on beauty and skin care products that does not even seem to have any significant results? This website is dedicated for those who need simple recipe using easy-to-find ingredients to solve their beauty problems

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Home Remedies for sunburn

By Tafiola

Got caught up in the excitement of summer, went to the beach too long, and suddenly your skin turns red with this awful painful sting and itchiness. Here is some homemade remedies that helps cure your sunburn:

  • Mix egg whites and honey in a bowl. Continue stir until thick and sticky. Apply to your sunburned face for 5 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water.
  • soak a washcloth or soft paper towel in white vinegar and rub it generously over the burned area. Allow the vinegar to dry well and re-apply if you need to. Then take a warm shower to wash the smell off and open up your skin.
  • Rub slices of fresh cold cucumber gently over burned skin.
  • Apply Pure Aloe Vera gently over burned skin. Allow it to dry well and re-apply if you need to
  • Mash enough tomatoes to cover the burned skin, then rub into skin
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